Off the shelf, Video Conferencing (VC) platforms are great for general purpose meetings or communications where the main agenda is to conduct ‘meetings’. Many of the major off-the-shelf VC players have retrofitted their solutions to verticalize them to industries like Telehealth or Education – but, they still remain ‘canned’ solutions.
One should look to build a custom WebRTC solution when the intent is differentiation via verticalization, without disrupting existing workflows – e.g. in Telehealth – a HIPAA compliant solution may not be enough for the hospital or the patient – one has to consider an integrated workflow while combining the technology with EHR and all other interfaces like scheduling, hardware integrations, etc.
We take pride in crafting some of the most innovative WebRTC solutions & attribute a part of our success to some of our most amazing clients – they have a very clear view of the road-map & understand the nuances of product integration & workflow. But more than that you need not sell a custom WebRTC product or talk about the limitations of an off-the-shelf solution to them – they already know it! If you are a ‘Smart’ client & are looking for a great WebRTC team to work with, we will be open for business with you!
Written by Sanjit Das